Manpower BPJS Calculator
(BPJS Ketenagakerjaan)

manpower bpjs calculator

The Manpower BPJS (BPJS Ketenagakerjaanicon for new tab) is a legal entity formed to organize Work Accident Insurance, Aged Security, Pension Guarantee, and Death Insurance. Work Accident Insurance, known as Jaminan Kecelakaan Kerja (JKK) is a benefit in the form of cash and/or health services provided when participants experience work accidents or diseases caused by the work environment. 

Aged Security, known as Jaminan Hari Tua (JHT) is a mandatory savings program that provides lump-sum benefits upon retirement, termination of employment, or death. Pension Guarantee, known as Jaminan Pensiun (JP), is a social security that aims to maintain a decent standard of living for participants and/or their heirs by providing income after participants enter retirement age, experience permanent total disability, or die. Death Insurance, known as Jaminan Kematian (JKM) is a cash benefit provided to the beneficiary when the participant dies not due to a work accident.

This tool enables individuals to estimate their future retirement benefits under the country’s social security system. The primary aim of this calculator is to provide a basic projection of future financial security, assisting individuals in making informed decisions about their retirement planning. This tool also offers substantial benefits by providing basic estimations of future pension and security benefits, enabling better financial planning and retirement preparedness.

This tool is intended for employees, employers, and financial planners involved in retirement planning and benefits administration. The information from the Aged Security & Pension Guarantee Calculator is typically needed during retirement planning sessions, employee benefits discussions, and financial advising appointments. This data should be utilized by human resources departments, financial advisory firms, and pension management institutions to ensure accurate calculation of benefits, inform employees about their future security, and facilitate strategic financial planning.

By providing accurate projections of future retirement benefits, this tool aids in financial literacy, retirement planning, and informed decision-making. The transparency and peace of mind offered by the calculator are invaluable, helping individuals to plan their finances strategically and ensure long-term financial security. As a part of Indonesia’s social security system, the JHT & JP Calculator is a crucial tool for employees seeking to secure their financial future.

This tool provides basic calculations for Aged Security (JHT) and Pension Guarantee (JP) and is intended for estimation purposes only. The results does not fully represent Putranto Alliance’s actual calculations, nor account for additional requirements and/or changes imposed by relevant authorities. For more comprehensive information and processing, or if you have any related inquiries, please provide your contact details below, and we will reach out to you.

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