Our Clients

Below are some of our clients that have worked on various projects with us. We are grateful to have the opportunity to work with our esteemed and wonderful clients. We encourage you to visit their websites below to learn more about them.


Listed below are our selected projects that we have done since our establishment to let you know more about us. Our involvement in various market fields in Indonesia helps build our credentials and experience to deliver more quality service to our clients.


Business Establishment & Licenses

Since our establishment, we have successfully helped thousands of companies set up their businesses in Indonesia. Additionally, we have assisted more than 20,000 clients in acquiring the necessary licenses for their operations.

Some of our notable projects include:

In 2024, we successfully assisted our client in establishing a foreign investment company in Indonesia. We provided comprehensive support, including obtaining key documents such as company registration, Business Identification Number (NIB), Business License, NPWP, and BPJS Registration. Additionally, we managed payroll, tax and accounting reports, and other compliances. Our expertise ensured a smooth setup, enabling our client to focus on their core business activities while we handled regulatory and administrative tasks.

In 2023, we assisted our client in establishing a domestic investment company. We also facilitated them in signing a local shareholder agreement. In the same year, we successfully helped our client establish a branch office in Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. We helped them in creating and acquiring the necessary documents, as well as facilitating in other necessary processes.

In 2020, we assisted our client with registering and obtaining a remittance license from the Bank of Indonesia (BI). This involved a comprehensive review of all required documentation to ensure compliance with regulatory standards. We guided the client through the submission process, addressing any queries or concerns from the Bank of Indonesia.

Tax & Accounting

We have competently assisted over 200 clients and companies with their Tax & Accounting needs, such as providing tax return documents, financial reports, and more. Below are some of our featured projects:

In 2023, we conducted a financial audit, produced an audit report, and provided a BI report for companies in overseas countries such as Hong Kong and Taiwan. In the same year, we prepared a monthly report for foreign loan transactions to Bank Indonesia on behalf of a local company. We also assisted our client in revoking their company’s VAT.

In 2022, we conducted both financial due diligence and tax due diligence for a company that was targeted for acquisition by an investor. This thorough analysis ensured that the investor had a clear understanding of the company’s financial health and tax compliance status. By providing these critical insights, we enabled the investor to make an informed decision, ensuring that they invested in a financially sound and compliant company.

Legal Services

We have successfully handled thousands of legal cases for our clients since our establishment. Here are some of our most notable achievements:

In 2024, we advised a client on acquiring another company, ensuring they had all the necessary documentation for the process. This included preparing the Statement of Resolutions of the Shareholders, which outlined the agreement and approval of the shareholders for the acquisition. We also secured an approval letter from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Indonesia, a crucial step in legitimizing the transaction. Furthermore, we facilitated the announcement of the acquisition in the Indonesian State Gazette, thereby meeting all legal and regulatory requirements.

In 2022, we assisted a major company in acquiring another firm by drafting and finalizing the conditional sales and purchase agreement for both parties. This involved detailed negotiations to ensure that the terms were fair and favorable for both the buyer and the seller. We reviewed all contractual clauses to address potential legal and financial implications. Our expertise in drafting and finalizing the agreement played a crucial role in facilitating a smooth and successful acquisition process.

In 2022, we provided a comprehensive legal opinion for a construction company regarding the impact of an Initial Public Offering (IPO) by one of its shareholders. Our analysis included an in-depth review of the potential legal ramifications and financial implications for the company. We assessed how the IPO could affect the company’s governance structure, shareholder rights, and regulatory compliance. Learn more about this case.icon for new tab

In 2021, we conducted a thorough legal due diligence on an oil palm plantation to accurately determine its selling value. This involved a meticulous review of all relevant legal documents, including land titles, environmental compliance records, and corporate governance practices. We identified any potential legal issues or liabilities that could affect the plantation’s market value.

In 2020, we assisted many local companies with corporate debt restructuring amidst the challenging economy. We provided advisory services and provided legal drafting for the restructuring agreements. Aside from that, we also act as a mediator between companies who had to terminate their workers due to the situation and negotiated an agreeable outcome for both parties. 

In 2019, we performed legal due diligence on a local bank that was up for acquisition. We checked its corporate documentations including permits and licenses. We also checked its compliance process to regulating authorities, and assets collateral pledged to the bank. Relevant third party agreements were reviewed and we disclosed any existing dispute.

In 2018, we assisted our client in acquiring a bank. We conducted legal due diligence as well as helping with the restructuring during the process of acquisition. In the same year, we did field investigation study for a foreign investor to verify four mining licenses in Kalimantan. We also checked the validity of licenses with the local offices and reported any infrastructure problems. In addition, we assisted with obtaining locals acceptance of the project in the area.

In 2016, we assisted a group of Korean Investors who planned to acquire a Palm Oil Plantation in East Kalimantan. We conducted legal due diligence, field survey, and visited local government offices on behalf of our client. Our team checked the validity of the location permits for any overlapping issues with other permit holders. We investigated and reported any irregular land transaction found to the client.

In 2015, we assisted a group of timber investors from China to conduct a 530-hectare land administration and field survey in West Kalimantan. Our services included visiting the government offices to obtained plans and permits, such as Regional Development Plan (RTRW), forestry plan, location permits from the National Land Authorityicon for new tab(BPN) and the Economic Development Agency (Bappeda).

In 2013, we assisted a group of companies owning palm oil plantation who would like to sell the asset by preparing its due diligence. Our legal team represented the seller and ensured the completeness of each company’s corporate documents, permits and licenses of land of more than 16,000 hectares.

Compliance Services

Since our establishment, we have earned the trust of numerous clients and companies by delivering reliable and effective compliance solutions tailored to their specific needs. Our consistent performance has solidified our reputation in the industry. Here are some of our most notable projects:

In 2023, we conducted a comprehensive audit of our client to ensure the fulfillment of their responsibilities and adherence to applicable rules and regulations. This audit included a thorough examination of their internal processes and documentation to identify any areas of non-compliance. Additionally, we assisted in the creation of detailed compliance reports for various committees, ensuring transparency and accountability. We also facilitated the preparation of minutes for meetings of the Board of Directors and Commissioners, providing accurate records of discussions and decisions made.

In 2022, we assisted our client in formulating comprehensive company policies and standard operating procedures related to information technology and risk management. This initiative was undertaken to prepare them for an upcoming IT audit. Our team worked closely with the client to identify key areas of risk and develop policies to mitigate these risks effectively. Additionally, we ensured that the newly established procedures aligned with industry standards and regulatory requirements, thereby enhancing the client’s overall IT governance and audit readiness. Learn more about this case.icon for new tab

In 2021, we assisted our client in formulating the Annual Business Plan as well as the Management and the Board of Commissioner Supervision Report to be submitted to Bank of Indonesia (BI). We also helped them audit their standard operating procedure and their financial report for internal audit purpose.

In 2020, we assisted our client in the process of International Loan Agreement with Bank of Indonesia (BI). We helped registering the company data and reporting the loan transaction to Bank of Indonesia (BI) for 7 months. The process involves adjustment of the loan currency. 

We also helped in preparing Filing of Investment Activity Report for several companies.

Conveyancing Services

In 2020, we assisted many local companies with corporate debt restructuring amidst the challenging economy. We provided advisory services and provided legal drafting for the restructuring agreements. Aside from that, we also act as a mediator between companies who had to terminate their workers due to the situation and negotiated an agreeable outcome for both parties. 

In 2020, we provided valuable assistance to our client, a local bank, in restructuring account receivables from non-paying and non-performing customers. This involved a strategic review of the bank’s accounts to identify delinquent accounts and assess their financial positions.

n 2018, we played a crucial role in assisting our client with the acquisition of a bank. Our services included conducting comprehensive legal due diligence to assess the target bank’s legal and regulatory compliance, financial health, and potential liabilities. This thorough examination helped our client make informed decisions and navigate any legal complexities associated with the acquisition.

We regularly provide review and advisory services to local banks. We also checked the lands and assets that will be pledged to the banks for any issues so that they can have better risk analysis and risk mitigation.

Human Resource Services

Throughout our business, we have assisted numerous companies with our Human Resource Services. Below are some of our notable projects:

In 2024, we provided comprehensive assistance to a company by calculating employee salaries based on their attendance to ensure accurate take-home pay. Additionally, we meticulously computed each employee’s BPJS (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial) contributions, which cover social security and healthcare benefits mandated by Indonesian law.

In 2023, we provided comprehensive assistance to our client in managing the stay permit process for their foreign employee. This involved facilitating the issuance of work and limited stay permits, ensuring compliance with Indonesian immigration regulations. Additionally, we assisted in activating the BPJS (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial) program for the company, ensuring that the employee was covered under mandatory social security schemes.

Other Services

In addition to the services listed above, we have assisted clients in various other business fields, including business advisory, pawn and valuation, and estate planning. Here are some of our most notable projects:

In 2023, we provided essential assistance to an international company in establishing a foreign investment company in Indonesia. Our advisory services focused on navigating the complex landscape of Indonesian tax and legal regulations. We offered strategic business advice tailored to ensure compliance with local laws, including guidance on corporate structure, taxation implications, and regulatory requirements specific to foreign investments.

In 2022, we provided crucial support to our client in two key areas. Firstly, we assisted in the valuation process as they prepared to expand into a new business field (KBLI). This involved conducting a comprehensive analysis of market trends, competitive landscape, and financial projections to determine the potential value and viability of the new venture. Our insights helped the client make informed decisions regarding strategic investments and resource allocation.

In 2019, we provided comprehensive advisory services to our client on a range of complex matters. This included advising on ownership structures and wills, as well as the establishment and management of waqf (Islamic endowment) assets. We also assisted in company restructuring initiatives aimed at optimizing organizational efficiency and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Client Testimony


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