
Written by Almer Adiyatma Rahimsyah on 27/03/2024
The author’s views are entirely their own and may not always reflect the views of Putranto Alliance.



Mediation offers a collaborative approach to resolving business disputes, steering clear of the stress and uncertainties of court proceedings. Imagine it as a joint effort with a mediator chosen by all parties involved. It stands out as an excellent option, fostering collaboration to discover fair and amicable resolutions that satisfy all stakeholders. This practice of resolving dispute can be found in Law Number 30 of 1999 concerning Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolutionicon for new tab.


This method of conflict resolution involves a neutral third party who facilitates discussions between disputing parties to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. Unlike litigation or arbitration, this process emphasizes collaboration and dialogue rather than imposing judgments or decisions. 

The Importance

The essential of mediation in business settings for several reasons: 

  1. Preservation of Relationships
    It focuses on preserving relationships between parties unlike adversarial processes like litigation. This is particularly crucial in business, where ongoing partnerships and networks often contribute significantly to success.

  2. Cost-Effectiveness
    Engaging in lengthy court battles can be financially draining for businesses. This method typically requires fewer resources, making it a cost-effective option for dispute resolution.

  3. Efficiency
    Time is of the essence in business. It offers a quicker resolution compared to traditional legal proceedings and allows parties to swiftly move past conflicts and focus on their core operations.

  4. Flexibility
    Business disputes can be complex and multifaceted. Mediating business parties that in dispute provide a flexible framework where parties can tailor solutions to meet their unique needs, fostering creative problem-solving.

The Best Time to Perform Mediation

Timing is crucial when considering mediation for disputes: 

  1. Early Intervention
    Start the process at the first signs of conflict. Promptly addressing issues can prevent escalation and preserve relationships and boosting the chance of a successful resolution.

  2. Pre-Litigation Stage
    This approach can be particularly effective before resorting to litigation. Parties can explore mutually beneficial solutions without the time and expense associated with formal court proceedings by engaging in mediation early on.

  3. During Contract Negotiations
    Including mediation clauses in contracts can be a proactive approach to resolving potential disputes. Parties can agree to enter this approach if conflicts arise by streamlining the process and reducing uncertainty.


The advantages of opting for this method in business conflicts include:

  1. Innovative Solutions
    It encourages creative problem-solving that leads to innovative solutions that may not be achievable through traditional legal channels.

  2. Time Savings
    Save valuable time for all parties involved through bypassing lengthy court processes. This allows them to focus on their core business activities.

  3. Adaptability
    Each dispute is unique, and mediation offers a tailored approach to address specific concerns and interests, ensuring a more personalized resolution.

  4. Preservation of Relationships
    It fosters open communication and cooperation unlike adversarial proceedings. Mediating between parties helps maintain positive relationships on both sides, which can be vital in business contexts.

The Process

The process typically follows these steps: 

  1. Initiation
    Either party or their legal representatives may propose mediation. A mediator is appointed once all parties agree to participate.

  2. Preliminary Meetings
    The mediator conducts individual meetings with each party to understand their perspectives, concerns, and desired outcomes.

  3. Joint Sessions
    The mediator facilitates discussions between the parties in joint sessions, encouraging open communication and the exploration of potential solutions.

  4. Negotiation
    Parties engage in negotiation under the guidance of the mediator, working towards a mutually acceptable agreement.

  5. Agreement
    It is documented and signed by all parties if an agreement is reached. Parties may explore other options, such as arbitration or litigation if the opposite happens.

How We Can Help

Putranto Alliance Legal Experts, provide mediation services tailored to the needs of businesses. to assist with: 

  1. Expert Representations
    Expert representation for businesses involved in mediation proceedings, ensure that your interests are represented effectively throughout the process.

  2. Neutral Mediation
    Mediators facilitate constructive dialogue between parties, guiding towards mutually beneficial solutions while maintaining neutrality and impartiality.

  3. Tailored Solutions
    Every dispute is unique. Every approach is customized to address the specific needs and concerns of your business in order to ensure a resolution that aligns with your objectives.

  4. Efficient Process
    The streamlined process emphasizes efficiency, saving you time and resources compared to traditional legal proceedings.


Putranto Alliance Lawyers ensure that clients are well-informed and empowered throughout the process by guiding them towards constructive dialogue and assisting in reaching mutually acceptable resolutions.
Unsuccessful parties need start the litigation process in the event mediation fails. Litigation process involves providing a strong legal representation and guiding parties through the necessary steps of the judicial process.
No, the mediator acts as a neutral party facilitating discussions between the disputing parties. They do not have the authority to make decisions or determine the outcome of mediation. The final decision remains the responsibility of the disputing parties.
Putranto Alliance Lawyers possess a combination of experience, neutrality, legal expertise, positive reputation, strong communication skills, and effective problem-solving abilities that made them an excellent choice for the processes of mediating between parties.

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