Function Worthiness Certificate (Sertifikat Laik Fungsi/SLF)

Written by Aimee Joy David on 19/09/2024
The author’s views are entirely their own and may not always reflect the views of Putranto Alliance.



Ensuring that buildings meet all safety and functionality standards is essential in Indonesia’s construction and real estate sectors through the Function Worthiness Certificate (Sertifikat Laik Fungsi/SLF). Specialized services are offered by assisting relevant parties in obtaining the SLF for designated properties. This service ensures that the building complies with local regulations and is safe for occupancy.


The Function Worthiness Certificate (Sertifikat Laik Fungsi/SLF) is an official document issued by regional agencies in Indonesia. It certifies that a building has met all the technical requirements and is suitable for use. This certificate is crucial for ensuring that structures adhere to safety, health, and environmental standards. This certificate is mandatory for both new constructions and existing buildings undergoing significant renovations or changes in function.

Importance of Function Worthiness Certificate

According to Government Regulation number 5 of 2021, the Function Worthiness Certificate is a fundamental requirement for business licensing, as stated in Article 5, Paragraph 1.

  1. Market Credibility:
    Buildings with an Function Worthiness Certificate are perceived as more credible and trustworthy, enhancing their market value and attractiveness to potential buyers or tenants.

  2. Safety Assurance:
    The certificate ensures that buildings comply with safety standards, protecting occupants from potential hazards.

  3. Risk Mitigation:
    It helps mitigate risks associated with structural failures or accidents by ensuring compliance with safety and technical standards.

Best Time to Obtain Function
Worthiness Certificate

Optimal times to consider applying for SLF are:

  1. Before the Usage of a Building:
    Once a building's construction is complete, engaging with SLF services is essential to obtaining the certificate before the building can be occupied.

  2. Renovation or Alteration Phase:
    If a building undergoes significant renovations or changes in function, it is essential to engage with Function Worthiness Certificate services to ensure continued compliance.

  3. Before Property Transactions:
    Having an Function Worthiness Certificate can be a critical factor in negotiating property sales or leases, making it an excellent time to engage with the service.

Benefits of Using Professional Services in Obtaining Function Worthiness Certificate

The key benefits for using professional service in preparing for Function Worthiness Certificate are:

  1. Expert Guidance:
    Professional services provide expert advice and guidance throughout the certificate application process, ensuring compliance with all regulations.

  2. Error Reduction:
    Professionals help minimize errors in documentation and application, reducing the risk of delays or rejections.

  3. Comprehensive Support:
    From initial consultation to final certification, Function Worthiness Certificate services offer comprehensive support, addressing any issues that may arise.

How to Prepare for Function
Worthiness Certificate

Several documents are needed to prepare for the certificate application. It includes building plans, construction permits, and technical specifications, such as but not limited to other documents that the relevant government agencies may ask:

  1. Administrative Documents:
    1. Land rights status,
    2. Building ownership status,
    3. Building permits (IMB/PBG).

  2. Technical Documents:
    1. Building plans,
    2. Building reliability aspects (safety, health, comfort, and accessibility).

  3. Inspection Documents:
    1. For New Buildings:
      1. building permits (IMB/PBG),
      2. technical plans (architecture, structure, utilities),
      3. as-built drawings,
      4. supervision reports,
      5. technical recommendations,
      6. material test results.

    2. For Existing Buildings:
      1. administrative documents,
      2. as-built drawings,
      3. maintenance records.

To obtain a Function Worthiness Certificate, a third party such as a technical reviewer (peng kaji teknis) is required due to the numerous test documents from various disciplines that must be verified before the regional agencies issues the certificate.

A Technical Reviewer is an individual or business entity with a competency certification or business certification who conducts technical assessments of the building. Collaboration with these technical reviewers ensures the accuracy of all necessary documents, making the process more efficient.

The process of applying Function Worthiness Certificate involves several key steps, such as:

  1. Initial Consultation: Engage with the certificate service providers, including the technical reviewers, to understand the requirements and prepare for the application process.

  2. Building and Document Inspection: Conduct a function-worthiness inspection of the building and the documents by service providers (construction supervisors, technical assessors, or local technical teams). The site inspection is conducted to ensure compliance with safety and technical standards.

  3. Application Submission: Submit the completed application and all required documents to the regional agencies through the local One-Stop Integrated Service (Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu/PTSP) office. Building data is recorded and forwarded to the implementing local authority if all documents are complete.

  4. Review and Verification: The relevant authorities review the application, who may request additional information or modifications. If discrepancies are found, additional consultation may be needed.

  5. Approval and Issuance of SLF: Once approved, the PTSP issues the SLF, confirming that the building is safe and compliant.

How We Can Help

Our company specializes in providing comprehensive Function Worthiness Certificate services tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. Here's how we can assist:

  1. Customized Solutions: We offer tailored solutions that align with your specific project requirements and timelines.

  2. Connection with the Technical Reviewer Team: Our team of experienced professionals is well-versed in local regulations and the process, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience and eliminating the need to look for additional technical reviewers.

  3. Comprehensive Support: From initial consultation to final certification, we provide end-to-end support, handling all aspects of the process.


The PBG must be obtained before construction, whereas the SLF is required after construction and before the building can be utilized.
The frequency of renewal for an SLF depends on the type of building and its usage. For residential buildings, the renewal period is generally every 20 (twenty) years, while other buildings such as factories, shops, and commercial structures typically require renewal every 5 (five) years. Commercial or industrial buildings usually necessitate more frequent inspections and renewals compared to residential buildings.
Yes, an SLF can be obtained for a building that serves multiple purposes. However, documentation and evidence of the different uses must be provided, along with proof of compliance with all relevant regulations. The cost may vary depending on the different purposes the building serves.

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